Content design
Every word from your product counts
Apps and web services are about much more than just cards, buttons, images and toolbars. First and foremost, they’re content, words, messages that allow you to communicate with them. That is also something you must build WITH THEM in mind.

Lead your users to their destination
Avoiding jargon, confusing messages that could leave users perplexed or even make them run away, I can speak your users’ language, guide them in their customer journey and lead them to their goal, which is also YOUR goal.

Find the right words
I can conduct a complete audit of your products and services from a UX writing perspective. Review each word, each content that you offer. Together, we improve on them, test them, see if it fits. It’s all about getting on your users’ frequency.

UX writing
Onboarding, menus, buttons, error messages or notifications : I design every word in your product.

Content creation
I create relevant content that fits your users' requests, leading them to their goal.

I am fluent in english and french and can design content in both languages.